It was time for veronica's first Pokemon coordinator battle and we were about to line up to get in when I saw my rival Tait and I was about to talk to him when Joel interrupted me. "Coming Conor?" Joel said "I'll catch you up" I finished. "This was my chance" I thought "hey Tait how's it going?" "good" said Tait "hey do you wanna have a Pokemon battle?" "I'm kinda busy" i said "oh so your to chicken" he remarked "no I'm not and fine!" I finished angrily. "And now" said the announcer in the Pokemon coordinator stadium " veronica from dendemille town!" "now try your best you to" said veronica to her very happy Pokemon as she walked onto the stage, "and go!" said the announcer cheerfully. "monferno no!" I said, we were both on one Pokemon. Monferno had used fire spin on croconaw and croconaw used cut fainting themselves in the process. "This is it raichu lets go!" as raichu came out of its pokeball and
looked ready for battle "Aron" said Tait as it begun. "Aron use metal
claw" said Tait as aron used metal claw, "doge it and use thunder wave!"
I said as raichu jumped into the air and a shock waves of thunder came.
Aron was now paralyzed. "Now our chance" I thought " quick attack go!"
Raichu came running at top speeds hitting aron and making him faint.
"well good job Conor" said Tait "you battled well." "Thanks" I said "now
gotta go" when I made it back to the Pokemon stadium, the gang was
waiting for me. "were the heck have you been!" said veronica, I just
sighed and said "I got caught up in a battle with my rival." "you missed
zigzagoon evolve and everything" said veronica
disappointingly, "Well next time" I said to try cheer her up. So I
missed veronica's first coordinator battle but the next one is in lumiose city so we start heading there as are journey continues.