Enter the mind of a 13 year old...

Started by Conor at age seven, the story of Sonic and Mario and Pokemon continues...

Friday, May 4, 2012

Chapter 1: The Hedge Hog Race

One day, Sonic got a call from Shadow, he wanted to race at Turbine Loop. Sonic agreed. When the day arrived Sonic got his cart and he raced off to Turbine Loop. When the race started Shadow was in the lead but Sonic got his Chaos Emerald and went super fast past Shadow and spinning him into the dust. As soon as Sonic finished his All Star, he was almost to the finishing line. Shadow was way behind him and shadow couldn't pass him. Shadow was wondering if Sonic was at the finish line... and he was. Soon Shadow came to the finishing line and Sonic came first and Shadow came last. Shadow was so angry with Sonic that he wanted to race again! This time, Sonic didn't agree.


  1. Great story Conor, I look forward to reading the next chapter. Can you show me what Shadow looks like? Uncle Noel

  2. Hi Uncle Noel - here is Shadow for you.

    1. Thanks Conor. Wow, I like his hover shoes! Uncle Noel
