Day three of our journey as we stop for a break, before that Zack had captured a axew, Joel had got fenniken and veronica had captured a furfrou. "Every body, come on out" We all said as all our Pokemon came out of there pokeballs. Zack told us that he would cook and we could play with the Pokemon but on the cliff side team electric were spying on the gang. "Now" said one as they got ready for a attack. "lunch is ready!" said Zack as we all ran for lunch, "After lunch we all were tired so we decided to sleep but the only one who couldn't was raichu. he tossed and turned but just as he was getting
comfortable he saw team electric struck and stole the Pokemon. Eager to save his friends raichu quickly woke us up and told us to battle them. And the battle begun it was electabuzz v raichu "raichu use thunderbolt" I shouted as a blue streak of lighting was charged at electabuzz, "counter it with thunder" said the team electric member as a yellow streak of lighting was charged at the thunderbolt. It was electric v electric, thunder v thunderbolt when suddenly the thunderbolt hit through hitting electabuzz and sending team electric flying into the air but with that out of the way we grabbed our Pokemon and continued are journey.