It had been a day since they all started there journey together and they had been practicing all morning, now it was Conor's turn and he was going against Zack. "And let the battle begin" said Joel ready to see the battle play out. "Alright chimchar use flamethrower" I said ready to get started, a long stream of fire came strait out of of chimchar, Zack was ready to react. "doge it!" he cried as bulbasaur did his every command, "now us-" We all stopped and spun around to see a raichu trotting past but to me this raichu looked very familiar. "Raichu?" I said confused "what are you doing here?" "rai rai" said the very happy raichu "who is that Pokemon?" said veronica taking out her pokedex. "Raichu" said the pokedex "the mouse Pokemon." "It can loose 100,000 volt bursts of electricity, Instantly downing foes several times its size." "that's one tough Pokemon" said veronica, meanwhile a team called team electric was waiting for there next move "should we get them?" said one of them "No" said the other "electa" said electubuzz the black and yellow stripped Pokemon. After raichu had finish speaking I said, "hey raichu want to be on my team?" Raichu happily said yes as our journey continues.
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