Started by Conor at age seven, the story of Sonic and Mario and Pokemon continues...
Monday, September 28, 2015
Pokémon Adventures epi 1 my first pokémon!
"Vroom!" goes the white and yellow striped truck as we moved from the Unova region to the Kalos region "I can not wait to get my first Pokemon!" I thought as I hoped out of the truck and walk to my new house. "Hey Conor" said Mum "go see sycamore and remember good luck on your journey." "thanks I said as I slammed the door shut behind me. In professor sycamore's lab I met 3 friends Joel, Zack and Veronica, "Now," said professor sycamore "I will now be giving you your Pokemon."Awesome" we all said as we received are Pokemon. I received chimchar, Joel received froakie, Zack received bulbasaur and veronica received zigzagoon. "hey guys" I said after we had exited the lab "lets go on a journey together." "Sure" they all said as are journey begins.
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